Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What are the different provision provided in css to define the dimension of an element?

In css the user can choose from multiple dimension properties to style an element. The list of css dimension properties are:
- height: This property allows the user to specify the height of a specific element.
- max-height: This allows the user to set the maximum height of an element.
- max-width: This specifies the maximum width of an element.
- min-height: It allows the user to specify the minimum height of an element.
- min-width: used to set the minimum width of an element.
- width: this property is used to set the width of an element.
For ex.
img.big {height:100px} <!-- specifies the height of an element-->
img.big {max-height:100px} <!-- specifies the maximum height of an element-->

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